Thursday, June 01, 2006

Original Sin

Everything goes
According to plan

Do you honestly think
I need a plan B?

Do you really think
Adam alters my plans?

Had he not sinned
I still would have come

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Trinity One in essence
Eternally undivided
I am

What if what we inherited from Adam is mainly a propensity to follow in his disobedience? Is it possible that we've made Adam out to be more glorified than he really was? If Adam had not sinned, would his children have not sinned either? Is our modern western theology of the "fall" and "original sin" slightly flawed?

The Eastern Orthodox believe that God would have come to earth incarnate regardless of Adam's choices and the choices of his race. That Jesus Christ himself flesh and blood within His own creation, yet holy and divine would have come regardless of our need for redemption. Perhaps redemption of our race is only one element of God's eternal plan.

But somehow, we always manage to put ourselves in the center of God's universe. Don't get me wrong, we are an important part of creation and we are created with much potential, but the Divine Trinity is the center of the Universe. The closer we come to the Living God and creator of the cosmos, the closer we are to the center of it. We are becoming colaborers with God in His creation, but not because we are needed, but because we are wanted.

God's perfect love is not only about redeeming us from ourselves and from sin, it is also about sharing his power with us, His reign even. He actually wants to share His creation with us. Perhaps Adam was not created as an already ideal man, purified and sanctified, fit for sharing in God's reign over creation.

Perhaps it would be better to understand Adam as a beautiful being, created by God with enormous potential. The Potential to be drawn into Christ, that by his obedience he could be drawn even closer to the Father. All was created through and for Christ, all is to be gathered together in Him, even Adam.

Glory be to the Father,
and to the Son,
and to the Holy spirit,

Currently listening to: Pilate
Currently reading: City of God, by Saint Augustine


David said...

I know we talked about this the other night but i will keep the discussion going. Is there any indication that Adam had a propensity to disobey before the initial disobedience. It seems to me that disobediance was an aberration rather than the natural way.

A Sinner said...
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A Sinner said...

Yes I believe that's most likely true. I do however believe that it is possible that Adam may have not been created already conformed to his full potential. He may have not been completely conformed to the image of Christ. If he had would he have sinned?

This is why some of the Eastern fathers believed that Christ would have come incarnate anyway. Because regardless of Adam's sin, being human it was still necessary that God marry the human and divine natures through Christ.

A Sinner said...

You might find this interesting and it will probably clear up what I've been trying to say about Christ coming anyway.