Friday, October 13, 2006

Thoughts on Peace from a Local Pastor

Read this.

This is encouraging. This coming from a local pastor in Westerville, who shepherds thousands. I wonder what they are doing over there? What is there mission?

About a year ago I read a book by Pastor Rich Nathan of Vineyard Columbus. Around the same time I met a friend for lunch who had recently started attending Landing Place. That book and that conversation sparked a spiritual journey in my life that will have no end.

Since then my family and I have found like minded people whose desire is to form community in the context of what we believe to be authentic Christian tradition. We are learning to bear one another's burdens, to confide in each other, to be committed to one another, to worship together liturgically and communally, and to truly love God and each other. We are learning how to impact the local community through acts of love and mercy.

May we all find the community of Christ, through his endless grace.

1 comment:

A Sinner said...

The article referenced by "Read This", in my post has now changed to Rich's November Congregational letter. Unfortunately the archive is not available yet for October which was the letter referenced. But "this" in my post above is still a good letter.